The past weeks have found Nigerians again uniting for one purpose, WINNING, the African cup of nations. For a country whose people are going through one of the hardest economic downturns in a bid to restructure the country, victories in a game of football is a great gift.
I have always held the torch of hope for a better future, and I remain undaunted in my resolve. The histories of nations like the United States, Singapore, and Dubai illustrate periods of struggle preceding their rise to prosperity.
I have also held the opinion that the world would not know peace until Nigeria finds its right footing. My countrymen and countrywomen contribute to every sector in the thriving world, even as people claim other citizenship. Nigerians in every nook and cranies are highly influential people. Thus, to get Nigeria right is to get the world right. Otherwise, the influence can not be positive.
It is my hope that beyond football, music, and arts, we find every unique thing that binds us together and celebrates as much as we are celebrating our successes.
Let’s remember that water will find its level and Nigeria will indeed be better in the coming years such that people will queue to secure visas to Nigeria.
Let’s keep the hope high regardless of the challenges that may come or that we are already facing. The clouds cannot hold back the sun. A short man’s heels cannot dwarf a giant. Nigeria is indeed the giant of Africa, the hope of the black race.
Credit: Bisayo Busari-Akinnadeju