Fashion Faux Parr, the latest book by renowned British photographer Martin Parr, explores his foray into fashion photography, a departure from his usual documentary style. Despite not being recognized primarily as a fashion photographer, Parr showcases his talent in capturing fashion imagery for esteemed brands like Gucci and Balenciaga, as well as for magazines such as Vogue and Elle.
In the introductory essay by Scottish fashion designer Patrick Grant, it is highlighted that Parr’s photography typically revolves around themes of class, wealth, and national culture. However, his fashion photographs display a distinct blend of his signature style with a focus on the glitz and glamour of the fashion industry.
Dakar, Senegal, 2001, commissioned by Rebel
Parr’s unique approach is characterized by wry observations and a tongue-in-cheek tone, which bring out the ordinary amidst the extraordinary. His images feature international supermodels engaging in everyday activities like playing bingo and taking selfies, blurring the boundaries between fashion editorial and documentary photography.
Fashion Faux Parr juxtaposes the opulence of high-end fashion with mundane moments, challenging conventional notions of beauty and glamour. Through his lens, Parr captures the essence of fashion in unexpected settings, such as diamond-adorned toys and designer shoes placed against natural backdrops.
Versailles, France, 2023, commissioned by Jacquemus
Shoe designer Tabitha Simmons reflects on her collaboration with Parr, acknowledging his ability to find beauty in unlikely places and challenge preconceived notions of aesthetics. Parr’s attention to detail, wit, and keen eye for form and color shine through in his work, whether he is photographing a bustling beach town or a designer clothing collection.
Fashion Faux Parr celebrates Parr’s distinctive vision and his ability to infuse fashion photography with humor and authenticity, reminding viewers to find joy in the everyday and appreciate the beauty in the seemingly trivial.