Tragic news emerged on Wednesday, April 10th, reporting the untimely demise of Nollywood actor Pope Odonwodo, fondly known as Junior Pope. Filmmaker Samuel Olatunji conveyed the heartbreaking news, revealing that Junior Pope, alongside three others, lost their lives in a devastating boat capsizing incident on Anam River.
Olatunji shared the sorrowful update on his Instagram, expressing condolences and emphasizing the immense loss suffered by the Nollywood community. Junior Pope, survived by his wife and three children, tragically met his end during what was meant to be a routine journey to a filming location.
Prior to the accident, Junior Pope had shared a video on his Instagram, capturing the perilous situation aboard the boat, where he was visibly distressed about the lack of safety measures like life jackets. The actor’s plea to the boat captain to exercise caution echoed his concern for his loved ones, as he stressed the importance of safety while acknowledging the risks entertainers undertake to bring joy to their audiences.
Initially, there was a glimmer of hope when the National President of the Actors Guild of Nigeria, Emeka Rollas, announced that Junior Pope was alive and receiving medical attention. However, this hope was short-lived, as Rollas later shared the heartbreaking update confirming Junior Pope’s passing.
The sudden loss of Junior Pope has sent shockwaves through the Nollywood industry and beyond. His contributions to various films, including “Secret Adventures,” “Eye of the Eagle,” and “Honey Money,” among others, will be remembered as part of his enduring legacy.