Ime Obi Awka Inland Onitsha.
InlandTown had a chat with Ugonabo Akunwata Onochie Obienah , who is an encyclopaedia when it comes to Onitsha culture. Akunwata is a columnist with the Ado centennial where he provides deeper insight into Onitsha culture. Chief Obienah ran us through the time table for the Ofala and what activities will be contained:
Below are his contributions…
Obi Alfred Achebe.
- IWAJI AWADA (Ogbeozoma): Starting with (i) Ikolo (youths) Awada : 24th september , 2015. (b) Ikpala( heads) awada=25th september, 2015
- IWAJI EKE (Ogboli eke): Starting with (a) Ikolo (youths) eke=26th september, 2015. (b) Ikpala (heads) eke=27th September, 2015.
- IWAJI UBULU NA IKEM (Umu ikem) starting with (a) Ikolo(youth) ubulu na ikem : 28th september, 2015. (b) Ikpala (head) ubulu na ikem: 29th september 2015.
- IGO URAI NA IGBA AFA EZE ONICHA: 30th september,2015 by Umu Ikem people ( originally from Nando, the people of Ikem were well consulted clairvoyants (ndi na-agba afa) for the Obi of Onitsha, they settled in the village called Umu Ikem today, located around Umu Ikem road by Okosi road junction.
- IGBA AFA OBODO (Asking gods about Onicha well being): 1st of October, 2015.
- INYE UKWU NA NLO EZE ONICHA: 1st of October, 2015, Later in the day after the igba-afa, the Obi of Onitsha goes on retreat, incommunicado, dreaming ,making prayers and supplications for the living and the dead of entire Onicha Kingdom, for 4 days.
- IWAJI EKWENSU (Umuasele): Starting with (a) Ikolo (youths) Umuasele: 2nd october, 2015. (b)Ikpala (heads) Umuasele:3rd of october, 2015.
- OGBALIDO: 4th of October, 2015 also known as ofala Ndi Iche Ume they are six in number, it is also rehearsal of bravery where warriors, hunters display their talents.
- INYEPU UKWU NA NLO EZE ONICHA: 5th of October, 2015, the Obi of Onitsha comes out of retreat , ideally the next day is supposed to be Ofala. Obi Achebe has since shifted the date (which falls on Tuesday , a working day to 9th october friday which falls into weekend to accomodate people from far and wide)
- IRU OFALA: 9th October, 2015.
- AZU OFALA: 10th October,2015.
- IWAJI IKPALA EZE: 11th and 12th October, 2015.
- ITO UKPUKPA : 16th October, 2015. Cleaning of enviroment after the festival
- IKELEBE JI (IWAJI EZE ONICHA): 21st october, 2015.
- OSISITE UMU EZECHIMA(End of all functions): 26th october
- ORURU ANI: Appeasing the gods
- OSO EWU (TRADITIONAL MARATHON): 1st December 2015.
- IGOR ANI ONICHA: 9th of December, 2015.
Keep refreshing InlandTown.com for updates on all the activities
InlandTown! 2015.