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Have Date With Onitsha Cuturally…

by InlandTown Editor
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Ime Obi Awka Inland Onitsha.


InlandTown had a chat with Ugonabo Akunwata Onochie Obienah , who is an encyclopaedia when it comes to Onitsha culture. Akunwata is a columnist with the Ado centennial where he provides deeper insight into Onitsha culture. Chief Obienah ran us through the time table for the Ofala and what activities will be contained:

Below are his contributions…


Obi Alfred Achebe.

  1. IWAJI AWADA (Ogbeozoma):  Starting with (i) Ikolo (youths) Awada : 24th september , 2015. (b) Ikpala( heads) awada=25th september, 2015
  2. IWAJI EKE (Ogboli eke): Starting with (a) Ikolo (youths) eke=26th september, 2015. (b) Ikpala (heads) eke=27th September, 2015.
  3. IWAJI UBULU NA IKEM (Umu ikem) starting with (a) Ikolo(youth) ubulu na ikem : 28th september, 2015. (b) Ikpala (head) ubulu na ikem: 29th september 2015.
  4. IGO URAI NA IGBA AFA EZE ONICHA: 30th september,2015  by Umu Ikem people ( originally from Nando, the people of Ikem were well consulted clairvoyants (ndi na-agba afa) for the Obi of Onitsha, they settled in the village called Umu Ikem today, located around Umu Ikem road by Okosi road junction.
  5. IGBA AFA OBODO (Asking gods about Onicha well being): 1st of October, 2015.
  6. INYE UKWU NA NLO EZE ONICHA: 1st of October, 2015, Later in the day after the igba-afa, the Obi of Onitsha goes on retreat, incommunicado, dreaming ,making prayers and supplications for the living and the dead of entire Onicha Kingdom, for 4 days.
  7. IWAJI EKWENSU (Umuasele): Starting with (a) Ikolo (youths) Umuasele: 2nd october, 2015. (b)Ikpala (heads) Umuasele:3rd of october, 2015.
  8. OGBALIDO: 4th of October, 2015 also known as ofala Ndi Iche Ume  they are six in number, it is also rehearsal of bravery where warriors, hunters display their talents.
  9. INYEPU UKWU NA NLO EZE ONICHA: 5th of October, 2015, the Obi of Onitsha comes out of retreat , ideally the next day is supposed to be Ofala. Obi Achebe has since shifted the date (which falls on Tuesday , a working day to 9th october friday which falls into weekend to accomodate people from far and wide)
  10. IRU OFALA: 9th October, 2015.
  11. AZU OFALA: 10th October,2015.
  12. IWAJI IKPALA EZE: 11th and 12th October, 2015.
  13. ITO UKPUKPA : 16th October, 2015. Cleaning of enviroment after the festival
  14. IKELEBE JI (IWAJI EZE ONICHA): 21st october, 2015.
  15. OSISITE UGWUNOBAMKPA: 25TH October, 2015.
  16. OSISITE UMU EZECHIMA(End of all functions): 26th october
  17. ORURU ANI: Appeasing the gods
  18. OSO EWU (TRADITIONAL MARATHON): 1st December 2015.
  19. IGOR ANI ONICHA: 9th of December, 2015.

Keep refreshing InlandTown.com for updates on all the activities

InlandTown! 2015.

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