The renowned host of the much-loved reality TV show Big Brother Naija, Ebuka Obi Uchendu in a dialogue with Channels, expressed that individuals must determine their boundaries when it comes to working for political figures.
He emphasized the significant responsibility that comes with such decisions, stating, “It’s an immense load to bear, and it’s unjust to assume that celebrities aren’t entitled to earn a living. Numerous individuals rely on these opportunities for their livelihood. However, once you choose to step into the limelight, you must acknowledge the severe repercussions that follow. Whichever path you opt to pursue, you must be prepared to face the consequences.”
In recent years, celebrities have faced substantial backlash for hosting events for politicians. He stated, “I would refrain from hosting certain events for specific politicians. It’s not necessarily about their political affiliations. It could be due to their past ideologies or actions.”
He continued, “However, I don’t hold any grudges against anyone. I can clearly distinguish between working for an individual and serving the government. I have hosted events at the Presidential Villa, which I perceived as a service to the government, not to the individual holding the office. If you can make that distinction for yourself, then you’re on the right path.” He concluded.