By Itty Okopide
Workplace phrases! which is appropriate and which is not? I ask around my office and there are lots of phrases that are not allowed here. Let me list some phrases that HR refers to as “forbidden” in the workplace;
- Insane person.
- F*ck you.
- I hate you.
While all these phrases are necessary to avoid in order to build a completely sane workplace environment, it is important to understand that the management is totally responsible for what workplace phrases are permitted.
However, some phrases used in the workplace come as a shock when you hear them. No, it is not because it is not permitted or “forbidden” like my HR would call it, but they come as a shock. You know, that shock is accompanied by another phrase I’m guessing you are thinking right now, “what did you say?” yeah! That is it.
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Now let’s get to those phrases that come as a shock but definitely should be used more often between colleagues in the workplace
You’re the Boss
Excuse me! Are you calling me a boss when I am an employee? Or rather, your colleague.
Seriously, many bosses would spare a second look at their employees calling another employee “boss.” Either in passing or in their presence. There is always some form of reaction. Now look at it this way, I am calling you boss because you are good at what you do.
I don’t think that should take away from who my main boss is. I also don’t think by doing that, I am unaware of who hired me or where my loyalty lies. Bosses should embrace hard work from their employees so they should encourage the use of this phrase in the workplace.
Talking Stage
What! What!! Like, What!!! How are we in the talking stage as ladies who work together? Okay.
I heard this phrase used by a lady on a lady. I was confused. It was used on me last Friday, and since then it has been a frequent workplace phrase. Initially, this term was used mostly to refer to friends, (male and female) in the first phase of communication. Like two people, male and female begin talking with the hope that it leads somewhere, so do colleagues hope to build friendships outside of the workplace.
What prompted it? A random conversation about visiting places outside of work and my girl Timmy thinks she must be friends with whoever she invites on an outing. I stare, and she goes, “Itty and I are still on the talking stage.” Confusing for a minute to all the gentlemen in the office and me but then, I don’t think anyone should hold off on letting colleagues know how you place them. So, by all means, feel free to use this phrase.
Cut to the chase, we are friends because we might just be vacationing together soon. Hopefully.
Lunch on You
Really! Are you Serious? Hey, calm down. I was only kidding.
Who else experiences that adrenaline feeling when a colleague uses this phrase? I do sometimes, especially when I’m on a budget. However, you don’t need to feel so because sometimes it might just be a phrase used out of ecstasy during a stress-free day or a phrase used by crafty colleagues or a phrase used out of mischief.
You should oblige sometimes but you can’t every time and that is okay. However, everyone should be allowed to use this phrase in the workplace on their colleagues more often and without a feeling of discomfort.