The most beautiful women in Nigeria have always come from the east, the likes of Lynda Chuba Ikpeazu,Ugochi Ihezue, Chinenye Ivy Ochuba and a host of others. Kareen Oniah is beautiful young Onitsha lady currently vying for the Miss Universe Anambra Pagentry 2019,InlandTown had the opportunity to meet her and here is all she had to say….

Tell us about yourself
My name is kareen Oniah from Onitsha, Anambra, Nigeria.
I am a writer and a facial model.I study at the University of Benin and stay there.
- Do you have a nick name
No,I don’t have a nick name.
- Where is your favorite place in Onitsha
My favorite place in Onitsha is the Obi’ s palace.
- What do you know about the history of Onitsha
Onitsha originated from Benin following the migration of its people from the Benin Empire towards the end of the 16th century as a result of a wave of Unrest, war etc
- How do you infuse your culture in your everyday life
My culture is the stepping stone to everything I do, i speak my language fluently and carry my culture with pride and respect
- What is your most memorable experience?
My memorable experience was when I got Admission into the university.
- Do you classify yourself as a feminist
Yes, I classify myself as a feminist.
- What does feminism mean to you
Feminism means social equality of gender to me.
- What do you have to say about feminism in correlation with the African tradition
In reference to the way feminism is correlated with the African tradition, I believe that both males and females are equal. Females are no different from males,they should be given the same right given to men.
“A woman’s place is not in the kitchen”
Women are not horses or monkeys, they are the most lovable beings. I stand for women rights, I believe they even have a better opportunities in government than men.
- Do you know about Omu Nwagboka
Yes,I have heard about the story of Omu Nwagboka Egwuatu.
- How has her story inspired you as a woman.
Her story is a very inspiring one, she inspires every woman not just me,I know that every woman’s dignity is her strength and that influences my decisions.
- Have you competed in other pageantries?
No, I have never competed in any pageantry before, It’s my first time but am quite experienced about it because of my secondary school days.
- What is your aim going for the Miss Universe pageantry?
My aim for going to the Miss Universe Anambra Pagentry is to gain experience which would be my starting point for my own feminist movement and a charity organization for kids.
- What made you decide to take part in the miss universe pageantry?
I decided to take part in the Miss Universe Anambra Pagentry because I want to do something that is affiliated with my culture and hopefully to touch the lives of the less privileged. My mother’s story is also a motivation for me.
- What edge do you think you have above the other contestants?
The grace of God is my biggest edge, I also have the support of my family and that has been great.
- What do you want us to look forward to in the competition.
In this competition am going to give it my best shot, I am going to prove that I am worthy to wear the crown and that I am not giving up on anything.
- What would you do when you win….cry or laugh?
I don’t have an expression yet till it comes true.
- If you could be president for one day, what would you do?
If I could be president one day, I would take our country to a new level,flow with the choices of the people, listen to public opinion. I would treat child abuse cases with all seriousness and also prove that women are best at government offices. I would treat child abuse cases with seriousness and also prove that women are best at government offices.
- What is your advice to youths in Onitsha?
My advice to youths in Onitsha would be to show their unique gifts which is their edge in excelling in the outside world.
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