Home NEWS World Malaria Day | Orange Group Reaffirms Commitments Towards Innovation In The Prevention And Treatment Of Malaria

World Malaria Day | Orange Group Reaffirms Commitments Towards Innovation In The Prevention And Treatment Of Malaria

by Austin Areh
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To commemorate the annual World Malaria Day on the 25th of April, leading FMCG company Orange Group has reinforced its commitment to providing innovative products to combat Malaria in Nigeria. With their expansion into antimalarial medication, Orange Group continues to set a standard as a forward-thinking, result-focused FMCG brand providing solutions tailored to the needs of the Nigerian consumer. 

“Innovation that works for the everyday Nigerian is at the heart of what we do at Orange Group,” explained the Group Media and Communications Director, Uchenna Ezenna-Gboneme. “With our sachet packaged mosquito repellent cream, Gardia, we are the first to make malaria prevention easily accessible, safe for all skin types, and affordable for all. Our antimalarial drug Laris is an ACT Combination therapy drug that treats Malaria instantly; it is considered one of the best and most sought after in the market.” She added.

According to the 2020 World Malaria Report, Nigeria had the highest global malaria cases (27%) in 2019. It accounted for the highest number of deaths (23% of Malaria deaths) in the same year. 

With Gardia, the popular sachet packaged mosquito repellent cream; Orange Group has solidified its position in the home of the average Nigerian. As the first to market and most pocket-friendly, the lightweight cream is made for the Sub-Saharan climate and effectively prevents and protects users from mosquito bites. A consumer favourite, Gardia is in high demand in neighborhood markets across the nation as it is known to provide 8 hours of protection without causing skin irritation or allergies.

Orange Group’s Artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) Laris is well known for its efficacy in treating Plasmodium falciparum malaria, the most common type of Malaria found in Sub-Saharan Africa. Laris continues to offer quality treatment for Malaria sufferers in Nigeria. 

For World Malaria Day, Orange Group will continue to shed light on the importance of Malaria prevention by engaging medical influencers DrFidelis Egemba (Aproko doctor) and Dr. Kelechi Okoro (Healthertainer) in a social media conversation with the hashtag #TreatMalariawithLaris.  

World Malaria Day is observed yearly on the 25th of April and aims to draw attention to the critical role innovation plays in helping to achieve global elimination goalsThe 2022 theme “Harness innovation to reduce the malaria disease burden and save lives” resonates strongly and underscores Orange Group’s objective to provide innovative solutions to the Nigerian consumer’s health problems

About Orange Group

Orange Group is an innovative fast-moving consumer goods company based out of Nigeria with a footprint that stretches across West Africa in three key segments: Pharmaceuticals, Personal Care, Food, and Beverage.

Still waxing strong thirty-three years after its inception, Orange Group has evolved into one of the most prestigious Pharmaceuticals, Food, Beverage, and Personal/Home Care brands in West Africa. 

It was founded by Group Chairman Sir Tony Ezenna in 1988 and has produced some of West Africa’s best-known pharmaceutical and home care brands, including Procold, Delta Soap, Mixagrip, Passion Energy Drink, and others. The brand has recently continued to innovate in the FMCG space, releasing Nigeria’s first sachet mosquito repellent cream, ‘Gardia.’ In 2009, the company entered a Joint Venture partnership with Indonesia’s largest pharmaceutical company Kalbe Farma. 

Follow on social media

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/orange-groups-limited-nigeria/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/orange_nigeria/

Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/OrangeGroupNG/?_rdc=1&_rdr

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGqXffZjvyFKNvp_VCVw2tg

Email: info@orangegroups.com| Website: www.orangegroups.com

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