Pavel Durov, the CEO and co-founder of Telegram, has been formally charged by French authorities for multiple violations related to the operation of the popular messaging platform. The 39-year-old Franco-Russian billionaire was reportedly arrested on August 24, 2024, at Le Bourget airport near Paris under a warrant that cited his alleged involvement in various criminal activities carried out through Telegram.
The charges against Durov include complicity in operating an online platform that facilitates illegal transactions, refusal to comply with authorities by not providing requested documents, and distributing child pornography images. He is also accused of enabling drug trafficking, fraud, and money laundering via the app. Despite the gravity of these allegations, Durov was released on bail after posting five million euros.
As a condition of his release, Durov is required to remain in France, report to a local police station twice a week, and is prohibited from leaving the country, according to a statement from Paris prosecutor Laure Beccuau.
The investigation into Telegram’s practices was launched by French legal officials in February 2024. This probe was driven by concerns over what was described as the platform’s “almost complete lack of cooperation” with law enforcement requests.
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