Have you met a man whose life fully defines leadership?

When most Nigerians think of leadership, the shadow of horrendous past leaders flash through their minds leaving the bitter taste of corruption in the mouth, believe it or not, Inspite of the life lessons that our leaders have taught us countless times, real Leadership still lives on.
Now back to my question about meeting a man whose life defines leadership, unlike most writers who are quick to mention famous Americans whose lives mirror nothing about our daily struggles, this time I am bringing it back home to an individual who has seen it all and still chooses to be part of the few Nigerian leaders who have walked the walk and have earned the right to talk the talk.
Meet Sir ABC, a Knight of St. John International (KSJI), he hails from Umuosodi Kindred family of Umudei Village in Onitsha, the first Son of Late Mr. Francis O. C. Ekweogwu & Odoziaku Edna J. Achuna Ekweogwu (Nee Enwonwu of Umuezearoli). Sir Andy is a firm believer in the quest to reposition Onitsha to play a strategic role in the economy of Nigeria in the 21st Century and beyond.
Unlike most of our leaders that lack real educational background, Sir Andy Bosah honorable man holds a Diploma (Business Management and Public Administration) 1976; and Higher Diploma (Marketing) 1978; both from the Institute of Management and Technology (IMT), Enugu; B.A. (Management) 1981; Master of Business Administration, specializing in Organizational Policy and Dynamics, 1983 and M.A. (International Business and Marketing Management) 1984 all from the University of Illinois, USA.In other words, he is well qualified to handle any position.

While most people wasted their University days catching fun and trying to focus on their education, the passion to lead was alive in Sir Andy Bosah as he became the Director of Socials, IMT , Enugu State from 1974 till 1976, then in his Master’s program became the President, International Students Association, UIS, Springfield, Illinois, USA from 1983 – 1984.
Have some fun going through some of his notable leadership positions below and watch out for a full Interview coming soon.
• President, Onitsha Improvement Union, Lagos, 2016 – Date
• Chairman, Okpofu Osodi Family Meeting, Onitsha, 2013 till date
• President, Ado N’Isolo, Lagos, 2013 -2018
• 1st Vice President, Knight of St. John International (KSII), Commandery 643, 2014 – 2016.
• National President, The Institute of Chartered Portfolio Management of Nigeria, 2013 – 2015
• 2nd Trustee, Knight of St. John International, Commandery 643, Festac Town, Lagos, 2012 – 2014.
• Director, African Centre for Supply Chain, Lagos, 2013 -2016.
• Vice Chairman, St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Isolo, Lagos – Building Committee, 2006 – 2014.
• Vice Chairman, St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Isolo, Lagos – Parish Pastoral Council (PPC), 2006 – 2009
• Member, St. Mary’s Parish Pastoral Council, Lagos, 2005 – 2014• President, Umudei Family Union, Lagos 2003 – 2008
• Chairman, General Purpose & Social Concerns Committee, PPC, St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Isolo, Lagos, 2003 – 2006.
• President, International Students Association, UIS, Springfield, Illonois, USA 1983 – 1984
• Director of Socials, Students Union, IMT, Enugu
Inland Town 2019!!!