The British Council has now opened applications for The Rockefeller Foundation funded Project- Digital Jobs Africa. Our website is live to receive applications from now till 19th February 2016 for the first cohort.
Digital Jobs Africa has an overall objective of helping disadvantaged and (minimally skilled) unskilled young men and women, move from unemployment into employment through relevant skills development training which will include ICT skills, communication skills, customer relations, intercultural working, time management, self-management and other relevant soft skills.
Potential applicants :-
· Must be between 18- 30 years
· Must have completed at least High School
· Must be currently unemployed
· Must be available to commit to a full month of training
· Training is absolutely free
The closing date for the first cohort is 19th February 2016
Training starts on 29th February 2016
All applications must be completed and submitted online. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted to progress to the next level of assessment(interview stage).
Kindly forward to your all contacts as you will never know who you can help.