In a twist worthy of a classic detective tale, before our intrepid bounty-hunting heroes could even conjure a rabbit from their magical hats, the enigmatic figure in question, none other than Mohbad’s childhood confidante, surrendered himself into the clutches of the law, accompanied by his legal counsel.
Under the piercing scrutiny of the media’s relentless gaze, Primeboy, as he is known, boldly declared that it was Mohbad’s own spouse who was weaving a tangled web of deception, attempting to cast him as the sinister protagonist in the tragic tale of the late singer’s demise. He went on to suggest that long before the haunting echoes of the singer’s final notes, tensions had brewed between the artist and his wife.
With a furrowed brow, Primeboy lamented, “I cannot fathom why Mohbad’s wife would choose to unfurl this dark narrative online, painting me as the orchestrator of his untimely passing. Mohbad was not just a childhood companion, but a son, a brother, and a confidante to me. They remain oblivious to the depths of my anguish over his tragic fate. I emerged from the shadows, driven by an unwavering pursuit of justice for my dear friend. The authorities never extended an invitation; that, they fabricated. I contemplated stepping forth independently, yet counsel prevailed upon me to await their summons,” Primeboy candidly divulged, his words echoing within the precincts of the Lagos Police Command.
In a somber conclusion, Primeboy alluded to a mysterious undercurrent in this perplexing narrative, questioning the motives behind Mohbad’s wife’s insidious plot, given her intimate awareness of their profound bond.
The saga, it appears, is far from its denouement, for the unrelenting spotlight of investigation casts its beam upon uncharted territories, leaving us all in anticipation of where its luminous path may ultimately lead.