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How to Land Your First Tech Job ASAP

by InlandTown Editor
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Land your first Tech job

Technology is the culture of our world today and there’s no denying that. Tech companies are the largest and richest companies in the world today; the big 5 or FAANG have a combined market capitalization of over $4 trillion.

With this new tech culture, it is no surprise that many young people are seeking to pursue careers in the tech space. Everybody wants to be a “tech bro”. But the tech space is very broad and can be extremely complicated especially for newbies.

If you’ve been considering becoming a “tech bro”, this article is for you. We will be talking about everything you need to do t land your first tech job ASAP.



First of all, you need to know the area of tech you want to work in. There are various fields in tech; web development, UI/UX design, data science, network security, data analytics and many more. Even in these various fields, there are niches and areas you’d specialize in.

After picking a field in tech and niching down, the next step is to settle down and learn the craft. You’ll need to invest time, energy and resources to learn and perfect your skill. Attend free and paid bootcamps, take free and paid courses, read books about your field and niche.

FYI; how long this learning process takes differs between individuals. It could take as little as 3 months for some folks and as long as 2 years for others. Please ensure you don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself. Take your time to hone your skills properly so you do not present yourself half-baked.

The next step is a little tricky. After honing your skills, you have to create a portfolio you can submit for job applications. A portfolio is like a resume; it showcases your skills and projects you’ve worked on. Without a portfolio, no recruiter will be reasonably convinced that you know what you’re doing.

A portfolio typically is a catalog of 4-10 of your best projects. In these times, it is very difficult to get a tech job without a “live project” in your portfolio. The question then is, “how do I get a live project without having a job?”. Volunteer.

There are tons of NGOs, small startups and businesses that require your tech skills but can’t afford to pay you. Volunteering with such bodies gives you the required work experience to elevate your portfolio with.

After picking a field, niching down, honing your skills and volunteering for any period of time of your choice, you are now armed with all that you need to land your first tech role in any industry.

Again; this process does not need to have a specific timeline. It could take you anywhere between 6 months to 2 years. Do not be in a hurry to start working and earning big like senior colleagues. You must first have value within yourself that you can offer before demanding a certain type of pay.

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