In a bid to ensure steady supply of electricity in rural areas and community settlements in Anambra state, Hon. Chief Emeka Aforka, the Deputy Majority Leader of the state assembly and thelawmaker representing Orumba-North state constituency has called for the establishment of Power and Rural Electrification Agency.
Accordingly, this bill to set up the Rural Electrification agency will amongst other functions, ensure steady supply of electricity in the rural areas and community settlements in Anambra state. As a matter of fact, Hon. Aforka stressed that he initiated the bill because he grew up in a small village where the perennial problem of electricity was rampant.
Furthermore, he disclosed that the bill had gone through the first reading on the floor of the House and should it receive the blessings and endorsement of the 7th legislature, would go a long way to help promote constant provision and distribution of electricity to rural areas and every part of Anambra state.
In his words: ‘‘the bill will help government set up an agency that would be saddled with the responsibility of ensuring that every nook and cranny of the got power supply’’. He opined that if the bill eventually saw the light of the day, it would aid in the reduction of cost of production. This is given the fact that the bill will also help construction industry to do their jobs more efficiently and effectively.