I honestly don’t have an issue with the trajectory a person may head after getting introduced into the political scene, but what is paramount to me, is the direction or method they adopt when trying to win political seats via elections. Nigeria as a nation is poised to become a super power in the world, which makes it the only African country with such potentials, and the quicker our leaders and people realise it ,the better for every one.
Our system needs to be re-orientated into accommodating the bigger picture, to allow the growth of the standard of living, of the masses in the country. We must understand that the only way to being successful and also have impact in the community we come from and the country at large, is by adding value to the lives of everybody around us, as value over time matures into productivity and a positive mindset in the thought processes of more people. We also need to be more conscious of the importance of the lives of everyone around us, because only intentional steps can check mate the rise of any unfriendly circumstances. The Transportation Minister, Rotimi Amaechi, via his social media handles has expressed his displeasure with the train attack and further threw more light into the preventive measures he had suggested earlier than this occurrence. He was quoted to say “I am devastated and I honestly don’t know what to tell Nigerians anymore; the process of procuring the integrated security surveillance and monitoring solution has been tedious, if the processes were shortened, we would have saved lives”
He further said that there is need for drones, and helicopters to assist the security frame work around the train stations and tracks. In a quick effort to make all these security apparatus available to avert a re-occurrence of this situation, it has been reported that President Buhari has directed that there should be installation of integrated surveillance and monitoring solutions for the Abuja- Kaduna railway lines as well as that of the Lagos – Ibadan railway line, this was asserted by the presidential spokesperson, Garba Shehu.