As individuals, anytime we have the opportunity to send information out from our different channels of communication, we need to ask ourselves vital questions like ; what effect will this cause? And if I was given this information, how will I receive it? , those questions help you get answers asking the man in the mirror. This process will help every individual get clarity of how the message they are about to be passed will be welcomed at the receiving end.
The truth is that our nation is known to be constituted with emotional judgement sometimes, against facts and figures, and with that knowledge, it is easy for influential elements to use different mechanisms to sell their ideas or visions to the masses, and this is a very potent tool used by the political class in every election. However , sometimes we have projects that back up their claims on being elements of progress, while other times, it is just based on mere propaganda, which takes us back on the path to achieving a mature level of our democratic institution.
As much as we want the security forces of our country to do very well in ensuring peace and order, we must also start to think about the welfare of these individuals who are charged with protecting our lives and ensuring that we live comfortably in different areas of our country Nigeria. There are pictures of the Nigerian police division barracks in Oyo state, and this is something that is seen in different accommodations of the police in other parts . While some states have better conditions like the HQ in Osogbo, Osun State, there is need for more attention being paid to the living standards of our police men and women , to enable them deliver their qualities in a maximum ratio.