The Caring Family Enhancement Initiative, CAFE, a charity organization founded by wife of the Governor of Anambra State, Dr (Mrs) Ebelechukwu Obiano, has, today, March 8, 2021, resumed training for over three hundred persons on different skills.
The free training, going on now at Chike Okoli Centre for Entrepreneurship Studies, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, and is powered by Fidelity Bank Plc, began last year, 2020, but was temporarily halted due to wrecks of COVID-19.
The over three hundred persons, mainly youths, widows, the physically challenged and less privileged, would, at after completing the mandatory three weeks training, be given start up capital and equipment, all for free.
The skill areas being taken by the trainees include tailoring and fashion design, confectionery, computer and phone repair, hairdressing, make-over and others.
The aim of the training and empowerment, according the governor’s wife, is to empower women (mainly widows) and youths, who are finding foot in life but are eager to be financially independent.
CAFE has trained and empowered more than four thousand persons since it became a registered non-governmental body in August, 2014.